
The Second Output Has Been Finalized

The Cooking Cultures Project Team has completed the second output as IO3. Upon the researches done under the first output, 8 modules for migrants and 3 modules for tutors/trainers have been identified and the partners’ trainers/researchers have been created the content of the modules accordingly.

Modules created for migrants under this output are;

  1. Introduction to Soft Skills for Employees in the Culinary Sector
  2. Cultural, Communication & Hygiene issues in Culinary Arts
  3. Sector recognition and employment integration
  4. Sustainable Food System
  5. Management and organization Module
  6. Turkish Language Module
  7. Greek Language Module
  8. German Language Module

Modules created for trainers/tutors under this output are;

  1. Diversity in Culinary Sector
  2. Intercultural Values and Competences
  3. Soft Skills

You can access all modules from the e-platform menu.

Additionally, a guide has also been created for tutors while teaching migration modules.