
Adana Metropolitan Municipality

The municipality primarily involves urban infrastructure such as zoning, water and sewerage, transportation; environment and environmental health, cleanliness and solid waste; police, fire brigade, emergency assistance, rescue and ambulance; urban traffic; burials and cemeteries; afforestation, park and green areas; housing; culture and art, tourism and promotion, youth and sports; social services and assistance, marriage, profession and skill acquisition; develops or implements services for the development of economy and trade. Metropolitan municipality opened protection houses for over 50.000 people who are women and children and working for migrants since 2011.



Symplexis is a Greek non-for-profit organization that strives to ensure equal opportunities for all through actions and measures that build skills, empower and promote active engagement and participation focusing on the most vulnerable categories of the population and particularly those with fewer opportunities.

Symplexis’ mission is to elevate social cohesion through integrated actions and project-based activities that aim at promoting the inclusion of disadvantaged groups at risk of marginalization and exclusion, while promoting and protecting the rights of various types of population groups that face discrimination focusing on the empowerment and support of victims, awareness raising and information sharing at all level.



COMPASS is a non-profit private company that has been established in Austria with an intercultural focus in order to promote professional, educational and socio-cultural integration of disadvantaged groups that consist mainly of migrants and refugees who face economic, socio-cultural and educational obstacles in Austria.

We offer a variety of services to migrants and refugees looking for the opportunities to equipment with news skills and competences that are necessary for inclusion to the labor market in Tyrol region and also have motivation to be involved in the host country as being active citizen.


We offer programs that are framed through life-long learning concept in order to facilitate their access to different relevant integration services and also support migrants and refugees for their professional and personal life in the long term.


These services basically consist of the titles below:


  • Information (non-formal education opportunities, abroad opportunities, etc.)
  • Counselling (psychosocial, legal, job market matters, etc.)
  • Assistance (during phases of career orientation, etc.)
  • Vocational trainings/courses (handcraft, media courses, etc.)
  • Communication (social events, leisure-time activities, etc.)


AKMI Katartisi Ekpaideusi was established in 2000 and was certified as a National Centre for Vocational Training, based in Athens. It has been a leading force in the field of lifelong learning nationwide for many years and one of the first organizations approved by the National Qualifications and Vocational Guidance Organization (EOPPEP) as a Level 2 Lifelong Learning Center with the possibility to implement training programs at all levels, from high-speed seminars to certified training programs.


Sustainable Development Association

Sustainable Development Association, was established in Ankara to support the rights-based work to take the necessary steps to have sustainable development in Turkey. In this context, the United Nations has adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals, in other words, the Global Goals set in line with the 2030 targets and carries out activities in line with these targets. Within this framework, sustainable development targets that make up our work areas are; fight against poverty and hunger, education of healthy individuals, qualified education, gender equality, clean water and sanitary conditions, accessible and clean energy, decent work and economic growth, reduction of inequalities, sustainable city and living areas, responsible consumption and production, climate action, peace and justice, partnerships for goals and life on water and on land. In our activities, where women, children, young people, people with disabilities and elderly people participate, environmental, climate change and renewable energy, education, health, conflict prevention and peaceful policy development, poverty alleviation and regional development projects constitute our main fields of study.